Here are some trials and successes that I had with transferring my AT-D878 codeplug into my AT-D578III Pro radio. It works! So that is the good news, so take a look at the video to see the hoops I had to jump through.
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Can you export a code plug from the AT 868 HT?
Anyone having issues with the radio being band set to Europe: Commercial on the radio. This prevents programming for US Amateur I believe this is also blocking APRS and VFO working properly.
There was a bug in the 1.05 version mentioned around this issue. The net effect is this is only working on an Open Spot. Also had to adjust modulation in open spot to Modulation 5 to improve the sound quality.
This video shows how to overcome that issue.
My NEW 578 has issues such as the volume control acts more like a Switch ~~ the first crack to the right is already too loud !!
Also, if it sets idle overnight in receive mode, it will be LOCKED UP by morning and requires a power off Reboot …..
I have the latest firmware installed and nothing changed….. and I am CERTAIN that it is Not the code plug as I have done all the tricks suggested with that ….
Any Ideas ??????
It sounds like you have a bad or dirty potentiometer in the volume knob.